Leagueopoly Season 2 - Players, Alignments, and New Rule Changes
Leagueopoly Season 2 is coming this winter! Here are the new players and conference alignments for the season, along with new rules being implemented this season.
Posted on October 26, 2023
by Michael Webb,
updated on November 07, 2023
Hello everyone,
I, as Commissioner of Leagueopoly, am proud to announce the following:
- Most importantly, Leagueopoly is coming back for its second season! Crazier hijinks and other things are likely to be abound this season with a (kind of) new set of players!
- I have appointed Season 1 player and longtime assistant Scion to an official position of Director of Operations, meaning that he will lead our enforcement of rules and generally make sure the league operates properly and according to the Leagueopoly Handbook.
- The conference alignments are set! See below for the details on that:
Let’s also discuss what rule changes the Players’ Commission has agreed to for this season:
Rule Votes and Changes
- The players voted down a proposal (1 yes, 6 no, 1 did not vote) that would have required a minimum/maximum time for players to vote on measures, instead of the Commissioner deciding when votes start and end. They are, therefore, leaving it to the Commissioner to decide the start/end points of votes.
- The players voted unanimously (7 yes, 1 did not vote) to scrap specific language in the rulebook pointing to when2meet as the required software to be used for scheduling. Instead, the handbook now states that other software can be used that is similar to when2meet. This was done in hopes of finding a better scheduling system.
- The players just barely rejected a motion (4 yes, 4 no) to enable Vacation Cash in the Richup.io ruleset. Votes require a proper majority to enact; therefore, a tie results in a rejection. Some players had concerns that vacation cash would extend games for far longer than they already are, which could pose a lot of issues, in addition to the cash system being unfair and that it does not conform to “default” Monopoly rules.
- The players voted unanimously (7 yes, 1 did not vote) to add a new exemption to the direct cash-to-cash trade rule that allows a player to be “almost in debt” to trade. They also voted unanimously (7-0-1) to make it so that the Commissioner and/or Director of Operations decides, on a case-by-case basis, what is considered “almost in debt” under this rule.
- The players voted unanimously (7 yes, 1 did not vote) to make a minor wording change to Gameplay Rule C6. In Season 1, the text of this rule was: “Players may not offer more than one trade at a time to the same player.” In Season 2, players wanted to change “at a time” to “in a turn” to better specify what “at a time” really means.
The Players' Commmision may end up making more changes to the handbook before the start of Season 2, such as a new system for sudden inabilities to make scheduled games.
(Update, Nov. 7, 2023: The Players’ Commission did just that, see below.)
UPDATE (Nov. 7, 2023)
On October 26, the Players voted for a new substitution system (7 yes, 0 no, 1 did not vote) to begin usage in Season 2. In short, the Handbook now requires the Commissioner/Director of Operations to maintain a roster of “substitute players”, or players that only play when a substitute is needed. When a substitute is needed, the following actions will be taken in this specific order:
- Choose a substitute player from the roster to play the games in their place.
- If a substitute is not available, then choose a player from the other conference to play the games in their place.
- If neither of these are available, attempt to seek some other person to fill in and play the games in their place.
- If none of these three options are available, cancel the event and reschedule.
Also, if more than one player cannot make it to an event, the event is automatically canceled and rescheduled.